Tuesday, January 30, 2007

second time around

Living in the country as we do, having pets is a calculated risk. Up to last Sunday morning (at around 4am) we had two - Sandy, the rescue dog who has turned out to be the worlds best dog (not according to our neighbour, who says her Newfs are better), and Toby, a loveable blonde bubblehead. He tore out the cat flap, and has not been seen since. We know there has been a Lynx in the area, so hope Toby's end was swift. On the other hand, he may just be two-timing and is holed up comfortably in someone else's house....

SO that is our sad news this week. Hazel takes off for Victoria this coming weekend - so guess who gets to walk the dog, do the housework while still consulting and teaching to keep the wolf from the door.


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