Friday, October 5, 2007

Winter? Already? Why not?

Sometimes it is necessary to make a really early start in the morning - need to get to the college before the parking lot is full - especially the handicap spaces. Except, this morning, there was 4cm of snow on the deck, in the drive and on the car. Bugger. The really weird thing was that, after turning out of the village onto the highway - no snow. Talk about selective weather patterns. We seem to live in a microclimate. Can't relate the number of times that, driving west from Calgary, there have been huge black clouds to the south (the village of Priddis getting it in the neck), huge black clouds to the north (Cochrane getting their just desserts) - and over the house - clear blue sky. Well, it seems that the weather gods got their own back on us last night. No snow at all except on us. At least we could see that there were no bear tracks in the drive...

Thursday, October 4, 2007

More bumps in the night

Just a short note to those of you who might be contemplating the acquisition of a kitten or two. There is an absolutely fail-safe game for kittens to keep them amused and out from underfoot. A large brown paper bag on its side on the floor, and they will be right there in it, playing and having a great time. Just one tip - don't (as we did) leave it in the bedroom overnight. Do you have any idea what the sound of loud rustling noises at 2am will do to your sleep patterns? Or your blood pressure? Especially if you happen to be dreaming about bears on the back deck?

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Things that go bump in the night....

Just read Hoto's blog (in London with Sparx and the spud, and totally jealous...)

Here on the home front,we have heard strange sounds in the middle of the night. We live in the country, and when the golf club people have all driven home, it can be really quiet. So when there are strange noises, one tends to wake up in a start and think mentally about bears, cougars, intruders.....but WE HAVE NEW KITTENS!....
They have discovered the stairs to the basement. There is nothing down there that they can harm, but lots that they can play with. Sleep has been disturbed with weird sounds - which, of course, sets off Sandy the dog, who is hell-bent on protecting the property at all costs from any thing out of the ordinary. Spell "sleep deprivation". Why do we do these things to ourselves? Must be a deep-seated desire for self torture - "maybe I will be a better person for this?"