Friday, October 5, 2007

Winter? Already? Why not?

Sometimes it is necessary to make a really early start in the morning - need to get to the college before the parking lot is full - especially the handicap spaces. Except, this morning, there was 4cm of snow on the deck, in the drive and on the car. Bugger. The really weird thing was that, after turning out of the village onto the highway - no snow. Talk about selective weather patterns. We seem to live in a microclimate. Can't relate the number of times that, driving west from Calgary, there have been huge black clouds to the south (the village of Priddis getting it in the neck), huge black clouds to the north (Cochrane getting their just desserts) - and over the house - clear blue sky. Well, it seems that the weather gods got their own back on us last night. No snow at all except on us. At least we could see that there were no bear tracks in the drive...

1 comment:

Sparx said...

always boasting about your weather, aren't you?