Friday, September 21, 2007

Visit to Victoria

Well, have been here a week now, came when mother was still in hospital. She broke her hip in a fall last Thursday. She was discharged from said hospital the following Wednesday - "no room at the inn" - in other words, no beds in the rehab ward for her, so home she goes..... no criticism of the actual care she received, the staff were great - just not enough of them and the ones on duty were run off their feet. Another example of a severely underfunded and understaffed health care system. When will our politians get off their butts, stop courting big business with their (often unpaid) tax dollars, and start thinking about the people who (perhaps foolishly) elected them? Why should our elderly people suffer for lack of decent care levels in a society as wealthy as ours? I was about to say that any intelligent politician...but of course that is an oxymoron. No, it seems that it is impossible to say it politely - the system sucks. And too many of those that are supposed to lead it also suck - greedily at the public purse.

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